Thursday, April 17, 2008

Believe in yourself

"I know you have heard this many times in your life. But it never hurts to hear it again.

No matter what happens, don't stop believing.

Find the corner you can't see around and hold onto the image of your success and that corner will disappear.
You will see it all. Because in my business are based around helping women entrepreneur, I am constantly seeing people quit their businesses, give up, and go back to doing what they used to do.

They allow all their dreams; of doing what they want for a living, making the kind of money they have always dreamed about, and finding the time and freedom in their life; simply fall to the wayside. It is so sad.

The only way to not let that happen is to believe! You have got to know that if you persist you will find all of the things that you have wanted. If you have prepared yourself in your life and then focused on your goals, you will find your success. Only you can make that choice to believe. It is only with your absolute certainly that you will see your dreams come true.

At a seminar about a year ago and the lady speaking said, "Never, never, never, never, never, never..." and she went on for a full two minutes saying that and then ended with "Never Give Up". It's the truth.

There is your life. Live it and Love it!"

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